
A Number Game Guide! Sudoku Answers

Are you bored?

Do you wish to be entertained?

One way to divert you from boredom is to take up a hobby. A good suggestion is to try answering puzzles. It does not just keep you from word-weariness; it also sharpens your mind.

A puzzle is a problem-solving game to challenge the different mind strategies that you know of. There are different kinds of puzzle – some are easy to deal with, however others are highly crucial as if you are solving Math or Logic problems.

An example of a puzzle that is more likely related to logic is Number Place or sometimes referred to as Sudoku.

Sudoku has the aim to complete a nine by nine (9 x 9) grid from three by three (3 x 3) regions by entering the numbers 1 to 9 in each cell of the grid. The tricky part is that no single number should be repeated in the 9 x 9 grid.

At first glance, the Number Place seems to be a fun and easy game. However in the long run it requires the player to be in deep thought of what strategies to formulate to solve the puzzle.

There are three suggested ways to answer Sudoku. One can choose to use scanning as his method of solving the puzzle. Others can prefer marking up to come up with a solved puzzle. For some they can be comfortable with the analysis method of puzzle solving.

Scanning is a method wherein the process of elimination reigns. Under the scanning method, one can either choose cross-hatching or counting. Cross-hatching requires a systematic course of action wherein to scan rows or columns in a particular region can give you hints of the possibility where numbers can or cannot be repeated. On the other hand, counting requires the basic counting where the player would count numerals 1 to 9 in rows, columns, and regions to find the missing numeral.

To answer your next Sudoku game, try the marking up method. This method is normally used when you exhaust all the possibilities of solving the puzzle from scanning. To mark, you should be able to use notations. Commonly, what is being used as notation to mark-up are dots and subscript. However, it is best to use notation wherein you will be comfortable using such as lines, shapes or other codes. It is also good to assign which notation would be used for candidate numerals that are most likely to repeat and notation that is likely to be in the said grid. One drawback of using notations is when Sudoku is being played from newspaper or magazine pages where grids are usually small to note into.

Third suggested way to solve Sudoku puzzles is through analysis. There are two main tactics to use the analysis method – the candidate elimination and what-if method. Through the word itself, candidate elimination method does away with candidate numerals from the grids to set aside just one option. Scanning can also be utilized together with the candidate elimination. Another way to answer Number Place with the analysis method is the what-if technique. With the use of this approach the player will guess which is which from the two remaining numbers.

If for instance, you will be seeking answers of Sudoku via a computer program there are also recommended ways to finish the puzzle.

First, try to act and be like a human when solving. You can still use the suggested solving procedures given above. Additionally, with the use of a computer program you will be able to devise the level of difficulty for each puzzle game.

Secondly, plan or search for a good computation that will help you solve the puzzle more rapidly.

You as the player can use a combination of the methods or can even formulate new solutions that will work best for you and other people. Take things one step at a time. Learn the basics of the game. Let go of line of attacks that are boggling your mind. Pick the pieces of information where you think you succeed, learn from where you fall apart. It is a game; you must learn to take risks.

Just thinking of how Sudoku will work, boredom just fades.

Come and Get the Best Free Sudoku Download Online

People decades ago would be content in spending their time reading, playing games and not rely on new-fangled past times just to pass and while the time away. They were contented in simple things that keep their minds active. Not like now, where people are so reliant to the things that the new technologies could offer such as television, washing machines, radios, refrigerator and a lot more.

Modern technology has allowed people to slack off. We are now very reliant to modern technology with every aspect of our lives. Many people have fallen deep into this trap and have neglected to spend worthwhile idle time to expand their mental horizons. But there is still hope yet, technology and mind exercises can be combined to keep ourselves sharp all the time.

Well maybe this is your first time to encounter the word sudoku. This is a Japanese word that means “the digits must remain single”. Digits or numbers are fun to play with that is why sudoku became an enjoyable game.

Sudoku is a puzzle game that can makes your mind spin like crazy if you are not good in thinking logically. This will make your minds twist until you reach the final answer that you need to be looking for.

This game is already known to the whole world. There are already different countries that play sudoku. Even though they have different pronunciation to the name of the game, the standard rules still remains the same. The quality of the game never changed and is always preserved.

Learning this kind of game is not that easy as what you may think. You need lots of patience and better understanding while playing this game. And for more enhanced understanding of the game, why don’t you download the sudoku game to find out more and at least check it out for yourself.

There now lots of different free sudoku download in the internet. Downloading those will be a big help for you as a player of sudoku. If you play sudoku everyday you will be enhanced a lot of lwhile earning the new strategies for the game.

There are lots of sudoku downloads that is available in the internet and some of those are:

1. Sudoku Digit Hunt – the row and the columns of the square have a number from one to nine. Some of the squares don’t have a number so it is up to you where you want to place them. This is a fun game that makes you twist your brain. Make sure that you place the digit on the right box in order for you to win.

2. Sudoku Quest – there are four levels in here and there are hints that is given to the players in solving the puzzle. This kind of sudoku is very addictive that makes brains bend.

3. Elite Sudoku – this is one of the most popular puzzle games in Japan. This does not need calculations and the rules are very simple however, this provides very good logic problems and situations.

4. Sudoku Ace – this is a bit harder form of the puzzle. It will take you a lot of time to solve it. This also provides hints to the problem and the solution to every problem.

5. Cross sums (kakuro) - number crosswords – this is just an easy puzzle game for those people who can add two numbers. This is based from the crossword puzzle game. Instead of using words, they made use of the numbers and the sum of digits of the numbers will be their clues (you must use the numbers 1-9).

These games that have been mentioned above are just some of the tempting forms of the sudoku game. Despite from the fact that they are very enjoyable to play because you cannot win by cheating, this is also one of the best games where you can release your tension quietly and by your self.

In view of this, the great thing about downloading the sudoku is its free. Therefore you can download as many sudoku games that you wanted to play. Each puzzle game has a different problem that you need to solve. You may never know that one day you will become the number the one player of the sudoku game.


How to make a winning sudoku strategy

Sudoku is known as a logic-based placement puzzle which aims to come into a numerical digit which is from 1 through 9 which is in a cell of 9X9 grid. The first sudoku puzzle was made available in the U.S. it did not get the kind of popularity it had until the year 2005 came.

Solving puzzles of sudoku normally involves a lot of combination of the processes. The three processes are scanning, marking up and analyzing. You can always come up with a good sudoku strategy if you are keen and observant and if you follow the strategies that will be shown top you.

Sudoku is the Japanese word meaning “placement puzzle”. It became well-known in Japan in the 1980’s. But before that, there was a puzzle maker in the United States by the name of Howard Garnes who formed the very first puzzle which is comparable to it. It was formerly called “number place” as an option of Sodoku. After that, it was made available and then featured in Logic problems and math puzzles.

The first useful sudoku strategy is scanning. Scanning usually takes place not only at the beginning but also all the way through the solution and it consists of two basic and important techniques. First is the cross-hatching which engages scanning of the different rows or columns in order to classify which among the lines in a specific region may include a certain numeral by a procedure of elimination.

The other sudoku strategy is by counting 1-9 in regions, rows and by columns in order to categorize all the missing numerals. Counting the numerals is based upon the last numeral that is revealed may help to speed up the search.

The is second is the marking-up. When the puzzle has no additional numerals that can be discovered, sudoku players over and over again find it compulsory to mark the potential numerals included in the blank cells. This can be completed by essentially writing in the numerals or dots that will represent the potential numerals.

Last is the analysis. This sudoku strategy has a lot of approaches which include “what if” and the “candidate elimination”. The game includes consecutively eliminating the candidate numerals from one or more cells to run off with just one choice. After each of the answers has been completed, an additional scan may be performed, this is done usually to check and see the effect of the possibility.

In this kind of move, the player should use his best sudoku strategy and skill to come up with a good combination that will make him win the game.

If at all possible, one wishes to find a combination of sudoku strategy which keeps away from some of the drawbacks of the above mentioned elements. The counting of the different regions, rows and columns can make a player feel bored. on the other hand, sudoku is a fun and engaging game but requires sudoku strategy that can help a player to sharpen the mind and keep one entertained for quite a long time.

Sudoku is one of the most up-to-date trends in games and leisure. The concentration in this Japanese number crossword puzzle is extremely at a fever playing field. Playing Sudoku is always a fun game and it provides the users an equal ground for everyone to play. Some of the elderly adults and even four year old kids can play the same game. It does not require proficiency in English.

The game has a variety of difficulty levels and you can get the best satisfaction from it. When played with a good Sudoku strategy, one can enjoy playing the game and one can simply experience a level of satisfaction which no other games can.

Now that you have learned the best sudoku strategies that most players apply, you can be ready to apply it on your own. Remember that you can have your own strategy. You will learn it as you play the game over and over again. You will realize that the game you have been eyeing for is not that difficult to play. You only need to be observant and you need to concentrate to make the smartest moves.


7 Careful Steps on How to Solve Sudoku

It is expected that many are familiar with the puzzle game Sudoku. It may seem to be very hard in the first try, but many gamers that it is not as difficult as it looks.

The objective of this game is to complete the whole grid with the numbers 1 to 9. Depending on the level of the puzzle, it can be very simple and yet be very difficult. In order to solve the puzzle, the game requires the player to use a little logic and intense analysis.

You must also remember the rule in solving the Sudoku: you must fill in each cell of the 9 x 9 grid with the numbers from 1 to 9. However, each of the numbers must only appear once in every row, every column and in every cell of the 3 x 3 boxes.

The fastest way to solve it is to look for the possible numbers that can go in each row, column or cell. You can simply ask yourself what numbers could possibly take in each location. Once you place a number in a box, no other box in that row, column or block can take that number. In this way, it lessens the possible numbers in a box. Always keep a record that could go in every box and eventually have a little or no choice in the end.

The following are steps used on how to solve Sudoku. Follow these steps to easily complete the puzzle.

1. Write all the possible numbers that can be in each row, column or block in a large piece of paper. Make a grid consisting of a 9 x 9 boxes, which has numbers from 1 to 9.

2. One by one, add all the recognized numbers to the grid.

3. Remove all the numbers that cannot go to the cell because a recognized number of the same value should be in the same row, column or 9 x 9 blocks. Perhaps, there is recognized possible numbers that can go in the cell.

4. Once you already know which of the nine numbers should not be in the cell, you can now decide what the possible numbers are. In some instances, there is only one choice left for the player. Do the steps 2 and 4 again using that number. While in other instances, you will need to search for possible numbers that should appear once in each row, each column and each block.

5. There are chances that you might wind up with circumstances (such as you have already tried everything) there is more than a single choice. If this happens, this may become a bit difficult.

If you are fortunate enough then, you can select any of the numbers and go on with steps 2 and 4 again. This is usually a characteristic of an easy Sudoku, not the hard Sudoku, so be wary and alert. The best way to do is to begin by using a soft pencil and eraser.

6. In the same style with step 3, remove all the numbers that cannot possibly go in the cell. This is because a recognized number of similar values should be the same row or column since it should not be placed anywhere else in the 9 x 9 grid. This may be a bit confusing so please be careful. For example, if two cells already have 2 or 6 and both should be in the cell, other empty cells in the row or column should not contain either of these two numbers.

If there will be an opportunity for any success, you can always return and do step 3 again. Or else, it would be great if you again use your pencil to solve the problem.

7. Lastly, always check for the result. When you add all the numbers of each row, column or block the total must be 45. Add them all up and find out why you had to use a piece of paper.

All the seven steps may seem to be very difficult to follow. However, read each step and try to analyze what it is trying to imply and you will realize that it is not as difficult as you may think it is.

When solving Sudoku, it requires patience and careful thinking. Remember it is a number puzzle game, not a crossword. So, it can really be difficult… sometimes.


Easy and Difficult Ways in Solving Sudoku

Sudoku is an addicting number puzzle game that is played in all parts of the world. It is a very thrilling and exciting game. However, the Sudoku can be very difficult and tricky.

The rule for this game is to place all the numbers from 1 to 9 in each cell in the grid. The limitation is that the numbers should not be repeated in each row, column and 3 x 3 block.

Now, how will you start solving the Sudoku? The following are steps from easy to difficult Sudoku, which can be very helpful to each player of the game.

• Easy Sudoku

1. You should use careful thought in solving the puzzle. Since you already know that duplication of the numbers is not allowed in the game, you can already use that as a hint to consider other numbers. Remember, the more difficult the Sudoku, the harder it is to start the puzzle.

2. In solving an easy Sudoku, you must first prioritize the search for possibilities. These possibilities are the numbers that are possible to be placed in the row, column or block. Therefore, if you know what the possible numbers are, it would be easier for you to choose which number is suitable to go there.

3. Start working from number 1 until you are already on your way to number 9. Since you already placed in some of the numbers, this must be your clue in searching for the other numbers.

4. If you get confused, you can always go back and be sure to look at each number you have already filled in. This will help you know if you have missed a number or not. Once everything is settled, you can continue the puzzle and complete it. Now, if you still cannot find what the problem is, start labeling each 3 x 3 box with every number that can possibly fill in the box. For instance, there is an empty box left. Fill the box with possible numbers and see the result.

5. It would be advisable to begin playing a Sudoku in a newspaper or magazine. There are newspapers or magazines, which have this puzzle in their pages. The easy puzzles are usually out during Monday and Tuesday. While the difficult ones are found on the following days.

• Hard Sudoku

1. Begin using the number 1. Use similar logic you used in the easy puzzle to complete each empty row, column and block with all the possible numbers. If necessary, put possibilities. The possibilities will help you at the latter part if you have two or three choices for each box but you cannot remember them.

2. Two cells in a block, row or column should be one of two numbers, you can use those to remove other possibilities. For instance, in a 3 x 3 block, there are four empty cells. From your analysis, you have established that: cell A and B can be 1, 2, 3, 4; cell C and D can be 3 or 4. From this, you will know that cell A and B can never be 3 or 4 since they already have 1 or 2. Cell C and D have to be either of 3 or 4. This information can be very helpful in completing other boxes.

3. Know that hard Sudoku can consume more time. A hard Sudoku can even take a few days to finish, but they can give players more fun, enjoyment and contentment after they have completed the puzzle. A hard Sudoku is just the same as the easy Sudoku – both will give you less clue to begin with. The best way of solving the hard Sudoku is when you already know the possible numbers that can go in each box. If you have two candidate numbers for a specific row, column and 3 x 3 blocks, decide which of the two numbers should fill each location. This may be very confusing, but when you have applied it, you will realize that it is so simple and very useful.

4. Visit the internet. There are websites that provide Sudoku puzzles – from easy to hard. Practice on some the sample puzzles to prepare you to a more complicated Sudoku.

Follow the steps in solving the Sudoku. And find out that no matter how difficult they may seem to be, in the end, the fun and excitement that you will feel is incomparable.


Remembering the History and Development of Sudoku

Ancient civilization is known for its creativity and intelligence. They also have different forms of entertainment. Unlike today, people are dependent on the benefit of modern technology. In every corner you will see inventions such as radios and televisions. This is how people today make use of their spare time.

Sometimes, people also get bored with modern technology and turn to their mind and formulate their own brain twister in a form of riddles. This is how people explore their way of thinking and also their creativity. People naturally love activities that could twist their mind and form new ideas.

History speaks that some of the recent games that mankind have today are based on the ideas of early people, although with some innovations applied. Sudoku is one of the games that have existed since the ancient times. Perhaps this is the first time that you heard about the term. You might ask yourself what Sudoku is all about and where it originated.

The other name for Sudoku is number place. As you might think, it was derived from the Japanese language. This refers to a logic based placement. In other words, this is a type of puzzle game. It was published first in one of the magazines in United States in the year 1979 then followed in Japan until it gained its popularity.

If you are going to translate the name Sudoku into English phrase, it mans that “the digits must remain single”. It gathered various manners of pronunciation in different countries. Nevertheless, whatever the articulation is, the standards set on the games are never altered.

According to the people who discovered Sudoku, the puzzle enhances your critical thinking. It makes you utilize arithmetic relationship between numbers that are not relevant with each other. There are also basic rules that are set for you to play Sudoku puzzle.

You are probably getting interested with Sudoku as you read this article. Well, to cut your interest first, you should first know the story behind the game. When was it introduced?

During his late 70’s, Howard Garns anonymously designed the puzzle Sudoku. He was known to be a retired architect and indeed a freelance puzzle constructor. Obviously, he has ideas on how to create the tricks of a puzzle because it has been a profession for him for quite long time.

He deduced his idea from that of the Latin Square designed by Euler. Thus, he just placed some additional alteration to the game which he called the third dimension. He also provides the player with a partially-completed grid that will require the solver to complete the rest of the blank grids.

However, after Garns was able to develop it and introduce it in the US magazine, it was captured again in Japan by a person name Nikoli. That was the time that Maiki, President of Nikoli Sudoku was named because during the time of Garns he also has his own English translation.

Before, the game is played manually when it started to get published in the newspaper of Japan and United States. It was in the year 1989 when a computer version of Sudoku was made available for the users under the Loadstar Publishing followed by the Apple Macintosh. In the year 2005, it totally came at its peak of popularity.

Behind the popularity of the Sudoku puzzle is the acknowledgment to Rubik’s cube. This is another puzzle game that was popular during the year 1980. In fact, some of the attributes of Sudoku was also patterned from Rubik’s puzzle.

In the year 1997, the popularity of Sudoku in the media was overwhelming. Even the Hong Kong judge named Wayne Gould also became inclined to the game up to the point that he also developed his own version of the computerized version of Sudoku.

Nationwide, there was a press release that was published regularly in Japan that took the newspaper to sell the prints very quickly. It even reached the world media and was acknowledged as the “fastest growing puzzle in the world”.

There is no doubt that until now, the history of Sudoku remains in the thoughts of people. They owe much gratitude to the development and discovery of Sudoku puzzle because without the people behind Sudoku they are not able to enjoy the pleasure that have been brought to them by the puzzle.

Everything Sudoku Will Bring It

Dear readers (if any),

I have decided to provide, in this blog, a series of information about sudoku. Aiming to provide helpful tips, guides, info, free puzzles, and much more. This first post will be short since I will work on my next post. Until then.